The deadline for abstract submission is 27 January 2025 at 10am (GMT).
Abstract submission – important notes
- Please note that all posters and presentations are expected to take place in-person.
- Abstracts should not be submitted on findings that have been previously presented or published.
- Abstract types: We welcome empirical reports, theoretical reviews and systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
- All abstracts should be formatted in accordance with the Appetite formatting guidelines. Please note that whether or not the abstract is published in Appetite after the conference is optional and a choice of the authors.
- Please complete your submission carefully. The Programme Committee will not accept any revision (however minor) to your abstract after the deadline. Abstracts will not be considered or reviewed unless all required fields are completed. Authors are expected to prepare their final abstract in Microsoft word and ensure that it meets the requirements stipulated below before accessing the online submission form.
- Authors may edit and resubmit their abstracts as long as they meet the submission deadline – the most recent entry via the online submission form will be treated as the final version of the abstract.
Abstract format
All abstracts must:
- Be limited to a total word count of no more than 300 words (this word count includes all of the elements outlined in point 3 below – submissions over this word count will not be considered).
- Be formatted as a single paragraph with no subheadings
- Include all of the following elements
- A title (mostly in lower case)
- Name(s) of author(s) – please ensure that all co-author(s) are listed in the correct order and the presenting author has the responsibility of obtaining the consent of all coauthors to be listed on the submitted abstract. Ensure you denote the presenter’s name in the list of authors with an asterisk after their family name *
- Example: John C. Smith*, Billy B. Bloggs, Laura A. Smith
- Provide one postal address of the School/Department and University (with postcode and country)(this should be the postal address of the presenting author denoted with the asterisk in the author list)
- Give one email address (this should be the email of the presenting author denoted with the asterisk in the author list)
- List Keywords: Maximum of 4. The first letter of each keyword should be capitalised
- Example: Appetite, Food intake, Body mass index
- Abstract
- Unstructured format, i.e. without headings.
- The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, methods, the principal results and major conclusions.
- Acknowledgments or references can be included but must be within the word count. References require cited author(s), abbreviated title of the journal, volume, pages and year.
- No tables, figures or footnotes.
- Do not allude to findings or discussions that will be presented at the conference. For example, do not say ‘detailed results will be presented’ or ‘implications of the research will be discussed’.
Full details of Appetite conference abstract guidelines can be found here – (please scroll down to conference abstracts). Abstracts from the 2024 conference can be found here: Appetite 2024 Example BFDG Abstracts
Abstract rankings
Please note that all abstracts for the programme (posters/oral presentations) will be scored by the abstract reviewing team on the following 5 criteria:
- Contribution: Is this research novel/original? Will it advance the field theoretically or will it have a significant impact?
- Methods: Are the methods appropriate? Is the description clear? Does the sample size seem adequate?
- Results: Are the results/findings presented in sufficient detail for the reader to form conclusions? (N.B., preliminary or premature findings should be discounted.)
- Conclusion: Is the conclusion justified given the findings or the preceding theoretical review?
- Relevance: Will the work be of broad interest to attendees of the BFDG meeting?
Author Notifications
All correspondence, including notification of abstract acceptance and details for poster and talk presentations, will be sent to the Corresponding Author (submitting author) via email. The corresponding author shall be responsible for informing all contributing authors of any related correspondence. All corresponding authors must register for the meeting in order to present their poster or talk in-person.
Use of data
We will only process your data for the purposes of organising the BFDG meeting. Your abstract and data will only be shared with members of our organising committee (abstract review, programme, posters and oversight subteams). Reviewers will provide ratings of its suitability for an oral presentation or poster presentation. The information will be stored on password protected computers at their affiliated universities as needed. Your data will be deleted once no longer needed for organising purposes. Your abstract will be made available on the BFDG meeting website. If you agree to your abstract being submitted to Appetite, we will submit this on your behalf after the conference.
How to submit your abstract
Please click on the following link to submit your abstract: SUBMIT YOUR BFDG 2025 BRISTOL ABSTRACT VIA THIS LINK